Writing & Poetry... How we organize our thoughts Those of us who put our stories into words here may just follow our hearts. Perhaps it is a dreamy state that speaks to us, looking beyond the rational fog of the day, longing for something different and trying to create a world so utterly different. Searching for more than what the world seems to be. And so words are more than just words that shape our thoughts. They are an expression of our feelings, hopes, fears or longings. If you let the magic of the writing work, the creative, melancholic aura that surrounds it, it gently carries us into another, fictional and non-fictional world. Perhaps even in a mental fusion of both, we explore the poetic, the philosophical, the unique in this world. And we would like to immerse ourselves in that world together with our readers. Authors who make use of the freedom of speech and writing that our innermost being yearns for have gathered under the Blog “Script & Poetry”. Detached from everyday life, one devotes himself to poetry, the other to a dreamy short story. And some people look for comfort and meaning in the ambiguity of poetry and poetic thoughts in the words, in the flowery language of their original culture. For us, our blog is the word that, hopefully with ease and a light pen, springs from our thoughts and inspires, motivates, makes you think, entertains or just for ourselves, in some difficult moments, is there.